Diaper checks

Our Commitment to Child Safety

At Mummy and Baby Care, the safety and well-being of every child in our care is our top priority. Our experienced staff is trained to ensure that every aspect of our premises and services is designed with safety in mind. From secure play areas to strict hygiene protocols, we go above and beyond to create a safe and nurturing environment for your little ones.

Changing diapers for newborns is an essential part of caring for a baby. Here are some general steps to follow when changing a newborn's diaper:

1. Gather your supplies: You will need a clean diaper, wipes, diaper rash cream (if needed), and a changing pad or a clean towel.

2. Find a flat, safe surface: Lay your baby down on a changing table, changing pad, or any other flat, secure surface that is at a comfortable height for you to work.

3. Remove the dirty diaper: Unfasten the tabs on the dirty diaper and carefully fold it underneath your baby. Use the front part of the diaper to gently clean any excess waste from your baby's bottom.

4. Wipe your baby clean: Use baby wipes or a damp cloth to gently clean your baby's genital area from front to back. Make sure to clean in the skin folds and creases.

5. Lift your baby's legs: Lift your baby's legs up gently by the ankles to thoroughly clean the diaper area. You can also lift the baby's bottom slightly to get better access.

6. Pat dry and apply diaper cream (if needed): Pat the diaper area dry with a clean cloth or allow it to air dry before putting on a clean diaper. If your baby has a diaper rash, apply a thin layer of diaper cream as recommended by your paediatrician.

7. Put on a clean diaper: Slide a clean diaper underneath your baby, making sure the back of the diaper is up high enough to cover the baby's bottom. Bring the front of the diaper up between your baby's legs and fasten the tabs snugly but not too tight.

8. Dress your baby: Once the new diaper is secure, dress your baby in fresh clothes if needed.

Remember to wash your hands thoroughly after changing your baby's diaper to prevent the spread of germs. It's also important to change your baby's diaper frequently to keep them comfortable and prevent diaper rash.

Experience Peace of Mind

Trust Mummy and Baby Care to provide a safe and nurturing environment for your little ones. Contact us today to learn more about our services and schedule a visit.